The Unbearable Weight of Anger

You're Not Alone

It’s a feeling that just won’t leave you alone.

It starts in the pit of your stomach and grows in intensity until it has to be let out.

Looking back you feel like your reaction was bigger than the situation called for; and you are left feeling embarrassed, ashamed, regretful.

You ask yourself, “Is there something wrong with me?”

You can feel it coming, pressure building like a flooding river blocked by a dam; then it breaks resulting in a wave of feelings. You can't breathe; your thoughts are jumbled; you get shaky and can’t find your bearings as you are washed away in the emotions, and out they come.

You find yourself looking at their face, the hurt and confusion, the pain inflicted by you.

You did it again, you lashed out and you don’t understand why.

The reason seems so small now. You are left feeling the weight of what has been done to those you love.

The Heavy Cost of Unmanaged Anger

You think to yourself, “I have done it again. I’ll never be forgiven this time.”

What’s at stake here is important. You fear you are pushing away important relationships in your life because you explode on them. They don’t know why, and you don’t know why.

Unresolved anger can leave you stuck and lead to a reduced quality of life.

If you find yourself constantly in this cycle, then you need to know there is hope. The way you feel and react can change; it just requires having the right tools.

Tracing Anger to Its Roots

Our brains are wired for survival, efficiently detecting threats to keep us safe.

During our formative years, experiences of trauma, abuse, or neglect leave lasting imprints on our subconscious.

In adulthood, even a mere tone of voice, a smell, or a place can ignite these dormant emotional landmines, resulting in disproportionate reactions.

Essentially, you're not just reacting to the present situation; you're reacting to the weight of your past.

Healing the overreaction.

Through therapeutic modalities like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and an Internal Family Systems (IFS) informed approach, we can delve into these past events and work toward healing your system from within.

With consistent sessions and a willingness to confront your issues, you can notice a change—not just in the absence of anger, but in the presence of something far more powerful: self-control, emotional intelligence, and an improved ability to handle the complexities of human emotion.

The End Goal: A Balanced, Fulfilled Life

The ultimate aim of this therapeutic journey is not merely to reduce instances of anger but to equip you with the emotional skills to face life's challenges in a balanced, fulfilling way.

Ready to Start Your Journey?

You can begin to take control of your emotional life.

Remember, you don't have to go through this alone. I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Would you like to finally understand your anger and where it is coming from? Let's talk.

Click below to contact me. I look forward to meeting you.