Navigating the Maze of Anxiety

You are Not Alone, There is a Way Out

Why Am I Constantly Overthinking? Why Can't I Just Be 'Normal'?

You find it difficult to rest as you constantly over think or analyze everything.

You go out on a limb and make chit chat at a friend's dinner party, and now you know you will not sleep tonight.

You will play every comment over and over, looking for that wrong move that will make everyone dislike you.

You get intently focused on a journey through the unrealistic or hypothetical situations in your mind and find that hours have passed. Time is lost again, where did it go?

The Physical Manifestations: It's More than 'Just in Your Head'

You find yourself unable to breathe. The air just will not fill the hollow vacuum in your lungs.

Your heart is racing and so is your mind. Thoughts of the end race through your mind. You know something is terribly wrong. Maybe you have gone to the doctor or emergency room knowing you will get bad news, only to be told there is nothing wrong with you.

Nothing wrong? “How can that be?,” you wonder.

You are not alone. Many people struggle with anxiety which sometimes can escalate to a panic attack.

I know it can feel very invalidating when others make light of your feelings or when you are told your stories don’t make sense.

You start to wonder if there is something wrong with you, wonder if you are broken beyond hope.

You need to hear this: there is hope. Relief from the symptoms of anxiety is possible.

Getting to the root cause.

Anxiety disorders have been studied for years to determine a cause. Researchers still aren’t 100 percent certain what causes anxiety disorders.
Each anxiety disorder has its own risk factors, but you are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder if:

  • You’ve had traumatic life experiences

  • You have a physical condition that is linked to anxiety, such as thyroid disorders

  • Your biological relatives have anxiety disorders or other mental illnesses

The Transformation: Managing Anxiety is possible

Imagine waking up one morning and feeling... calm.

No torrent of "what-ifs" rushing to drown you, no invisible audience critiquing your every move.

Your breath flows freely, filling your lungs like a refreshing morning breeze.

Your heart and mind are in sync, finally marching to the same serene rhythm.

That cloud of impending doom? Dissipated. The incessant mental chatter? Quiet.

This is the potential outcome after going through therapy.

How I Can Help: Your Partner in Healing

I've been assisting clients who struggle with the crippling symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders since 2018.

My approach isn't a one-size-fits-all; it is customized to you, tailored to address your unique needs and challenges.

The bottom line? You don't have to navigate this journey alone. Let’s talk.

Click below to contact me. I look forward to meeting you.