Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy

Your Pathway to Unburdening and Healing

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • Loss of control over yourself and others?

  • Feeling "stuck," unable to move forward?

  • A sense that "there's something wrong with me; I'm broken"?

  • Losing important relationships because of unpredictable emotional reactions?

  • Feeling like things affect you more intensely than they do others?

If you nodded in agreement to any of these you are not alone, and most importantly, there is a path to healing.

The Anatomy of Emotional Pain

Our emotional reactions often have their roots in trauma memories - these memories exist in patterns stored in our mind and body. These memories might be from childhood, or they may have originated during a specific event later in life.

They are stored as a complex web of thoughts, feelings, images, emotions, and even sensations like sounds and smells.

These memories often center around themes like shame, fear, powerlessness, or abandonment. When triggered, these emotions flood us and lead to oversized reactions — reactions that can damage relationships and leave us feeling lost.

Why IFS Therapy Is Different

Internal Family Systems (IFS) offers a transformative approach. It understands these symptoms or triggered reactions as stemming from different "parts" within you.

These parts are doing their best to help you cope and function in everyday life. Imagine having the thought, "Part of me wants that chocolate cake, but another part wants to fit into my jeans.”

This is your internal family system at work! The IFS model also recognizes that we each possess a core self—your authentic, compassionate center - that is capable of healing and harmonizing these parts.

How Does IFS Work?

In IFS therapy we delve into your internal landscape to identify these parts, understand their motivations, and help them release what they are carrying. This practice is validated by the IFS Institute, describing it as "helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts."

IFS is particularly effective for a range of emotional and psychological challenges:

  • Big emotions

  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks

  • Anger

  • Depression

  • Phobias

  • PTSD

  • Grief

  • Compulsive Behaviors

  • Childhood Trauma

  • Early Neglect

  • Relationship Difficulties

  • Disordered Eating

Life After IFS: What Can You Expect?

Clients often report feeling like a burden has been lifted.

They say emotional triggers become less potent, making life events feel less distressing.

Clients also find themselves less reactive in relationships, armed with a deeper understanding of their internal dynamics.

Why Choose Me As Your IFS Therapist?

I bring years of experience, having completed multiple training courses in IFS. I am considered an IFS-informed therapist, and I have successfully integrated these techniques into my practice to guide clients on their healing journey.

Your Next Step

Imagine a life where you're not held back by overwhelming emotions or past traumas. Picture yourself in healthier and more fulfilling relationships, feeling more in control and less burdened. IFS can be that bridge to the life you've been longing for.

Ready to begin? Let's take this healing journey together.

Click below to contact me. I look forward to meeting you.